Tomorrow our little girl will be 2 weeks old. So far she has been a great baby. I think God knows that I need good babies because I have little patience. She has been a joy.
Thankfully the weather has gotten better and I've gotten some good exercise in. I've worked my way up to 3 miles of walking now, while carrying Eileen. I've also been doing my postpartum ab exercises so I'm nice and strong by the time I start really running again. I feel great and almost had myself talked into trying to run tomorrow, but I decided it would be best if I waited another week like I did with Travis. I wouldn't want to go backwards! I only want to move forwards.
Today Eileen and I walked part of the Mt.Summit Challenge. This is a race I have always wanted to do, but something has always come up. So I decided to take Eileen, my newest walking partner, with me to do the race.
The race is 3.5 miles uphill from the little town of Hopwood, Pennsylvania. What I didn't realize was that there is no shuttle back down the mountain. I couldn't very well hitch a ride with just anyone since I would need a car seat, so I decided to just walk 1.5 miles up the hill and then turn around and walk back down to the car. This was 1 mile longer than I have walked in a while. On the warmest day of the year so far Eileen and I made the trek. We had a great time, and she slept most of the way. Lets hope it's the first of many races for Baby Eileen!
The spring racing season is now in full swing, and Boston Marathon is coming up next week, so I am really itching to run. I have to remind myself that I am still a good 15 pounds overweight and it will not be easy or even really enjoyable when I go out for my first few runs. I'm just hoping I can survive for 30 minutes. I just have to look for the light at the end of the tunnel! I make it through these first few weeks and the rest of the summer will be awesome!
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